Google AdSense izdavači treba da podrže EU zakon o kolačićima

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AdSense Europe Union

Google AdSense izdavači koji se nalaze bilo gde u svetu, Sjedinjenim Državama, Brazilu, Japanu, Evropi – moraće da usaglase web sajtove sa zakonom Evropske Unije o kolačićima (cookie) čak i ako nisu stacionirani u Evropskoj Uniji.

Potrebno je da Google AdSense izdavači detektuju da li posetioci dolaze iz regiona Evropske Unije i ako dolaze, moraju se poštovati zakoni Evropske Unije vezani za kolačiće.

Na AdSense blogu je Google objavio sledeće:

If your websites are getting visitors from any of the countries in the European Union, you must comply with the EU user consent policy. We recommend you start working on a policy-compliant user consent mechanism today.


Na osnovu emailova koje su nedavno poslali izdavačima, zahtevaju da se sajtovi usaglase sa zahtevima do 30. septembra 2015. Evo je i kopija emaila:


Google Ads Policy Team

Dear Publisher,

We want to let you know about a new policy about obtaining EU end-users’ consent that reflects regulatory and best practice guidance. It clarifies your duty to obtain end-user consent when you use products like Google AdSense, DoubleClick for Publishers and DoubleClick Ad Exchange.

Please review our new EU user consent policy as soon as possible. This requires that you obtain EU end users’ consent to the storing and accessing of cookies and other information, and to the data collection, sharing and usage that takes place when you use Google products. It does not affect any provisions on data ownership in your contract.

Please ensure that you comply with this policy as soon as possible, and not later than 30 September 2015.

If your site or app does not have a compliant consent mechanism, you should implement one now. To make this process easier for you, we have compiled some helpful resources at

This policy change is being made in response to best practice and regulatory requirements issued by the European data protection authorities. These requirements are reflected in changes that have been recently made on Google’s own websites.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.


The Google Policy Team

Pretpostavljam da mnogi izdavači nisu dovoljno sposobni da naprave neophodne izmene tako da očekujem da će se uskoro pojaviti alati koji će olakšati posao. Pitam se, zašto Google AdSense sam ne napravi izmene u kodu reklama i podrži EU regulative. Zaista čudno.

Ako pronađete neki dobar izvor informacija kako napraviti neophodne izmene, obavestite nas na komentarima.



1 Comment
  1. Aleksandar Popović

    28. 07. 2015. at 15:20

    Webmaster World diskusija na temu: Google AdSense and Cookies (Cookie Law) email – EU Cookies


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